Social Media Searches
We all know that an individual’s social media footprint provides a wealth of information that can cover almost everything about them. Social media background checks are a great way to understand who you’re bringing on board and if they’re a good fit.
DataCheck’s social media screening searches recognize and flag illegal or hateful content on social media profiles. For instance, we identify potentially illicit activities, explicit material, or posts that include racism or hate speech. We efficiently perform our searches with compliance in mind, to preserve candidate privacy and cover everyone involved.
Benefits of Social Media Checks
Social Media Screening Search
Here's an example of a social media search that our clients might use. Under their direction, we can search for specific factors or perform a general inquiry.
For instance, DataCheck performs a search on a candidate 'John Wilson.' The report flags a 'negative' hit classification from a public Twitter post. The post in question is from 2018, and he appears to be selling illicit substances at an electronic music festival. This is a red flag to the client, who is a private school district. Because of this non-invasive social media screening, the client disqualifies the candidate.