Read the latest happening at Data Check and Background Investigation Industry
Background Checks to Combat Mortgage Fraud
If you’re looking to take out a mortgage on a new home, expect to go through a background check. Much like any standard employment background check, a screening by a lender for a mortgage involves examining your job and financial history. Because of excessive mortgage fraud committed before the crash in 2007, lenders may now…
Background Checks for Ice Cream Truck Drivers?
Certain states require background checks for employees that work directly with the most vulnerable citizens: children, the elderly, and the disabled. Such background checks are de rigueur for teachers, daycare workers, home healthcare workers, nurses, and aides. But ice cream truck workers? Such a bill was introduced recently in Iowa and passed in the state…
Use of Background Checks in Gun Shows and Control Not Thorough Enough
Requiring background checks for gun shows needs to start on the state level, and recently Arizona proposed a bill that would require background checks before purchasing a firearm at a gun show.
Using a Background Check Company
Using a background check company is more convenient than doing a background check yourself, especially as the actual investigation is more in depth.
National Child Protection Act
The National Child Protection Act was amended recently to include more detailed information about background checks and working with children.
Background Checks for School Volunteers
Should school volunteers be subject to background checks? Essentially, anyone working with the public, especially children, should have a basic background check done.
Background Checks Preventing Criminals from Volunteer Positions
While the news often shows companies not doing thorough background checks, others, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, caught a criminal with their extensive background check.
Background Checks for Volunteer Workers
Background checks are often a part of most application processes for full-time workers, but should they be required of volunteers when volunteers are doing job-like functions, such as working in a town fire department?
When and Why Important Information Doesn’t Show Up on a Background Check
In some cases, a criminal history, even including an accidental death, can be wiped from someone’s criminal background check.