Hospitality Industry
Careful hiring within the hospitality industry is particularly essential. Interaction between staff and customers is crucial, and service quality depends on this.
Negative reviews due to a one-off encounter can ruin a business. On top of this, the hiring process can be seasonal, which adds additional pressure to perform and add staff quickly.
Recommended Packages for the Hospitality Industry
We understand the hospitality industry challenges. We check if a candidate has a criminal past and a decent character. You don’t want to select untruthful individuals who might give questionable service.
Background Checks
Qualification Checks
Of hospitality recruiters face difficulty filling skilled positions due to competition and a shortage of talent0+
Times Hospitality industry turnover is higher than any other industry0K
The additional number of staff required by Hospitality industry by 2020How DataCheck Helps
If you are recruiting hospitality personnel, our pre-employment screening can assist you in making the right hire who will provide customers with great experiences.
There are real consequences for making bad hires. So after a couple of decades of industry experience, we’ve created a pre-employment background screening plan for our customers in the hospitality industry to mitigate risks.