Should Your Business Conduct Background Checks on Current Employees?

Most employers consider conducting background checks an essential part of the hiring process. A background check on a current employee can provide valuable information that can help an employer make important decisions that will affect the whole company, such as whether to retain, promote, or terminate staff.

Reasons to Conduct Background Checks on Current Employees

Conducting background checks on current employees can improve security by allowing an employer to remove staff who have a history of criminal activity. It can also shed light on why an employee’s job performance has begun to suffer. Conducting a background check can help the employer prevent harm to the business, such as theft or violence. Background checks may also be required for underwriting purposes if an employee uses a company vehicle.

Not all employers want to conduct background checks on current employees. One reason is that they worry that it could harm their relationships with their employees. Another is the price. However, the cost of keeping an employee with a criminal record can be much greater.

How to Conduct Background Checks on Current Employees

If your company wants to conduct background checks on current employees, you need to do it in a way that is fair and not discriminatory. One way to do that is to routinely conduct background checks on all employees every few years. You can conduct background checks at other times if you have reason to suspect an employee may be engaged in illegal conduct.

Employees must give consent to a background check. If an employee consented to a background check during the hiring process, the consent may be indefinite, or in some states an employee may need to sign a new consent form before every background check.

Should You Fire an Employee Based on the Results of a Background Check?

Your company should have a clear policy on what types of records will be grounds for termination. You should provide the employee with the information before a decision to terminate employment is made so the employee can notify you if he or she believes the information is inaccurate or would like to provide additional facts.

Uncovering a current employee’s criminal record will not necessarily be grounds for termination. The employer needs to decide whether the findings are relevant to the business’s needs and the employee’s ability to do the job. The information uncovered in the background check may also be too old to be used as a basis for termination.

DataCheck Can Help Your Business with Employee Background Checks

DataCheck has helped many businesses all over the United States conduct background checks on both job applicants and current employees. Conducting background checks on current employees can help you have a safe and productive workforce. If you would like to check the backgrounds of your current employees, contact DataCheck today to get started.

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