Employee Criminal Record

Employee criminal records are, more often than not, boring. Most employees have no criminal records at all. Their background checks consist mostly of their names followed by empty spaces. There is simply nothing to report about the criminal activities of most current or prospective employees.

Why, then, do so many companies perform background checks on employees? Employee criminal records are not always pristine. When hiring a new employee, a company should know all relevant information about the person who will be filling that new position. Knowing an applicant’s criminal record is clean allows employers to make hiring choices with confidence.

If an employee criminal record turns out to contain unexpected information, such information can then be used as part of the hiring process as well. Many companies are reluctant to hire those with criminal histories, as such records can indicate overall patterns of instability. Hiring choices can affect a company for a long time, good or ill, so it pays to get those decisions right the first time.

Reviewing Employee Criminal Records

Background checks are wonderful resources when it comes to hiring time. DataCheck provides companies with many different kinds of reports about prospective employees, including criminal, educational and driving records. This information can now be sent electronically for faster service and turnaround times. To find out how to get these reports right on your computer desktop, just visit our website at www.datacheckinc.com. You can request a price quote via our website and we will send you a confidential proposal via email. Additionally, you may also contact us at office@datacheckinc.com or call 949-339-2305.

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