Navigating Vaccine Management Platform Challenges for HR Leaders

Many Americans have awaited the day the country could reopen and welcome workers back to in-person environments safely. The Covid-19 vaccine roll-out has brought us closer than ever. But some companies are wondering how they can legally monitor their employees’ vaccination status. There are many ways to collect vaccination data from your workforce, but today…

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How COVID-19 Is Influencing Background Check Laws by State

Amongst the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses had to evolve to changing global conditions and new regulations quickly. Office closures affected more than your company but all of them. Closures include government offices and courthouses, most of which have been operating on closed or limited schedules. Many activities like parole hearings or legal proceedings are postponed or…

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Is It Time to Update Your Company’s Background Check Policy?

A digital notification regarding a company's updated background check policy.

Having a background check policy is integral to your company’s safety. Background checks serve many purposes, and it’s necessary to have a policy that outlines how they function and affect employees. However, possessing a background check policy is just one part of the puzzle. Writing an initial policy but not consistently updating it leads to…

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The Background Screening That Can Impact a Business

Background screening is an integral component of any company’s hiring process, and an overwhelming majority of businesses rely on them as part of their hiring decisions. Background screenings can impact businesses in many ways. For one, they influence the team when deciding which candidate to hire. But beyond who a background check leads hiring managers…

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Should You Still Conduct Marijuana Drug Tests?

As the years pass, marijuana continues to be a hotly contested subject, especially regarding the workplace. Employers often wonder what their role in marijuana drug tests is and if they should conduct a marijuana drug test.  Currently, it’s quite common for employers to use drug tests initially during the hiring process and conduct random drug…

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How to Find the Right Employees on LinkedIn

Hiring employer opens up LinkedIn app on phone to seek new potential employees.

LinkedIn is a hugely beneficial tool for both employees and employers alike. It’s no wonder this social networking platform has taken the professional realm by storm. As the platform grows and applications from the platform pour in, it’s increasingly harder to wade through the number of applicants per job listing.  With so many options, you…

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4 Reasons Why Credit Reports Matter for Hiring

Young employer analyzing credit checks for her job applicants while sitting at a computer.

Employers have a duty to run a number of various background checks on potential employees. Credit reports are one of them. Like any of the information on a background check, a credit report check provides additional information to employers on prospective employees. Credit reports can give employers insight into a person’s financial well-being and money-management…

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5 Ways to Reduce Hiring Costs

As a recruiter, one of the biggest challenges you may face is keeping hiring costs in check. The average cost per hire is just around $4,000. That number cuts significantly into profits, particularly for small businesses. Reduce hiring costs using these tips. Tips to Keep Hiring Costs Low While it might not seem like an…

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7 Things to Look for in an Applicant’s Background Check

Finding the perfect employee involves far more than running through employees’ prepared applications and holding interviews. A background check is a necessity, giving employers key information to make an informed decision. What Employment History to Look For in a Background Check  To evaluate candidates properly, employers must keep key facets of background checks and federal…

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